About Me

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South-West of England, United Kingdom
I am a retired cartographer and have recently completed a degree course as a mature student reading History. My main hobby is narrow gauge railway modelling.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Exeter Show

We went to Exter today (Sunday) to visit Exe Model Railway Exhibition. Some really good layouts and a huge one of Bath Greenpark. Best though was a O16.5 layout based on Bridport.

Traffic quite heavy coming back - have to question how some people drive and as a caravanner the spped some tow at.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Me Again and its already June

It's a month since I last blogged. So why the gap and what have I been up to.

Since I last wrote we have been busy sorting the car and caravan out. Both were a write off. As far as the caravan was concerned that was always going to be the case but we were a bit surprised with the damage to the car. At quick glance it looked okay but not only was the body and frame twisted but the engine was cracked ........

Still we are okay even if Mrs M is still having bad dreams. We have to wait to see what is going to replace big girl with. The replacement caravan is being worked on as I type.

VERY BIG CONCERN though is the way Mrs M's wheelchair was treated. Whilst I know the water fairies had to get Mrs M out with difficulty, but they just treated her £2500 + chair as a piece of rubbish. In doing so it may have been them that damaged the wheels, so having to claim on household insurance. Then to cap it all the ambulance girls didn 't see the need to take the chair with us in the ambulance. They didn't seem to understand that someone like t'other half doesn't go anywhere without their chair. Afterall they wouldn't expect me to leave my legs behind.

End of moan

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Eventful Day

Should be in Yorkshire writing this but our proposed holiday came to an abrupt end on the M5 yesterday. Caravan a write off and probably car is to. Mrs M and cat and me okay !! At least in body.

Monday, 3 May 2010


Sad but there it is. Easy to blame somebody but that won't change anything - there again you could call the national accident helpline ......................

Hope Paul Mariner stays on, he was without Argyle's best player ever. My late father-in-law might have been given chance. He was signed up in Summer '39 just to enlist at the start of the season that never was for the RAF. So why technically on the books for a short time he never played for them. Mind you he was from Swindon .......

Saturday, 24 April 2010

The end of the old life and the start of a new life

What a week this has been. Yet nothing seems much different apart from Tuesday morning.

For on Tuesday morning Dr. Borham of Frenchay Hospital signed me off!. he'd seen me last August and discovered I needed heart bypass surgery. In fact I needed four arteries replaced otherwise I would have gone the same way of my late father and brother, plus two uncles. Last September I joined the family club of having heart surgery. Without doubt the surgery carried out by the Irish - Greek duo at the BHI not only saved my life but meant I could look forward to a completely new life. Luckily for me my condition was caught soon enough before my failing arteries could cause damage to my heart. Seems as if my body cannot produce good tubes, but thats another story. I am advised by a pathologist friend that of the many bodies she has cut open, its not the artery grafts that have finally killed patients like me but someup else!!

Thanks for the research founded by the British Heart Foundation and others. I have had a good return for all of the clothes and other stuff I have given to Heart Foundation shops over the years.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Ouch !

Sad night in Gus but well done for trying. Remember that song, always look on the bright side of life. Just have to try to bounce back next season.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

E's new car

Yesterday, we gave our support to neice E whilst she looked for and found a new second hand car. Hope all goes well.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Important news just in, Mrs M and I have declared our little patch of England an election free zone, apart from the NowShow on radio 4 that is !!!!!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Narrow Guage South & another defeat

Firstly Argyle, sad loss but still have a chance thanks to SW and CP also losing.

Went to Narrow Guage South yesterday. Great exhibition in the main. Still too many layouts to high for all to see. Time exhibitors learnt to open their eyes and look at the public, yes those people who pay to visit and who therefore pay the exhibitors travel expenses.

Took some good pictures especially see of a scene from Dr.Who!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

People's Fears

Thought for the week formed from comments I made to my PAFC close friend. Bit strong with him, but that's what friendship's are meant to be about, aren't they. If you can't be honest in a long standing friendship, when can you be? My experince over the last year have shown me the importance of seeing the doc when you need to see him and not fearing the consequences. And then doing as the medical experts tell you. My late ex father-in-law died as a result of not seeing the doctor with a minor skin complaint. I'm not sure if it was male pride in his case or plain fear. So if your body is not working as normal, see the doc and do what they tell you. Don't put it off just because you've booked a holiday or summat. Besides, if you are aware of a medical condition and fail to tell the insurance company then your insurance may be invalidated.

On a brighter note good win for Argyle yesterday !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 29 March 2010

Argyle and friend D.

Sad defeat especially to Backpool, uni prof will be happy though. Heard from friend D. yesterday. He's not too well at present and will need surgery. My thoughts are with him.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday

Great one Argyle - you can still make it.

Went to Tyntesfield with Mrs M and friend E on Wednesday. Strange house. E. very taken with Roof when viewed from scaffold whilst works on refurbishing going on.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Signal Box alterations

No doubt anyone reading the title will wonder what I'm going on about, ah-ah, the signal box is the space in the roof space above my Den (Study) and which is the home for my model railway. Have all but finished the construction of the new baseboards for Mitcheldean (and Newnham Light Railway) Mark V.

Pity about defeats for Argyle, Albion and England. All three games close but all went the wrong way. Mrs M has been trying to set up her own website - I think she's winning (I hope). Watch this space.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Tuesday's Win - Utility Room and Signal Box

Great Win by Argyle over City. Keep at it.#

Finally brought sink into use in Utility Room - got to try to keep Mrs M happy.

Be able to get on with Signal Box and building modular boards for Mitcheldean Mark V.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

'tother half

Just been looking at my tother half's blog , sometimes known as the household authorities. Still can hear her "moaning" from the main room about me not being there at the moment. Well I can't write on this blog and help in the kitchen, now can I, despite doing most of the cooking tonight.

Good job I still l*** her!!!!!!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Footie and Footie

Goodbye Micheal Foot, nice that your Argyle scarf went with you.

Big game at home tonight as we take on local rivals Bristol City. Do it for Footie lads.

Meanwhile big signal box clearout gathering pace.

Picture from BBC Devon website - hope I haven't contravened copyright - if so sorry, but Footie would have been happy.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

6 months

Day of draws for both the Pilgrims and England. Keep fighting Argyle.

Last Thursday was 6 months anniversary of my heart quadruple by-pass surgery. Although thgey weren't to know the faulty genes were passed on to me via my father - died of heart failure - by my paternal grandfather - also died of heart problems. Problem with faulty genes is that often by the time you find out about them you have already passed them onto your children. So it is likely that my daughters - who I have no contact with - will not only have the faulty heart arteries but also the coeliac gene. That was passed down through my father's mother who was of Irish descent. Mind you she did the most lovely roast potatoes without fat(!). celave.

Made big decision - am going to totally rebuild model railway - Mitcheldean mark V will arise from the ashes of mark IV.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Both her and I went down with some sort of bug over the past 5 days.

Up to Sunday ok and managed to lay most of new floor in signal box.

Sad to hear of death of Michael Foot. Never agreed with his politics - too sociallist for me bot kept to his guns no matter what - more than can be said about leaders of present main parties.

Saw MF at a game at Cardiff many moons ago - no posh seat for him then - no he was down with the ordinary Argyle supporters - think we drew.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Willy Rushton

Well actually model of Ruston diesal I am building in O9 scale. Plus despite England's and Argyle's defeat both sides seem to be improving. Been getting rid of more rubbish from loft and signal box (!). Amazing the things you hang on to.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Could have been better

Last weekend was a bit of an up and downer! Argyle did well (great) Shepton Mallet good, but household managment and I had a bit of a falling out. Must not let things get on top of me - try harder.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Argyle & Rugby Balls

What went wrong today - once again the lads seem to have not read the script!!!

As for England - isn't it time all internationals were played with one typw of ball per season.

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Problem being big part English, small part Welsh and smaller part Irish is who to support in the 6 Nations. At least I'm a neutral fro the Scotland - France game - let's face it we haven't been the best of friends with either nation over the years!!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Good weekend of model railway exhibitions. Own club, gave demonstration on how to scratch build houses from Slater's plasticard. Then on Sunday went to O guage show and bought goodies for making 7mm buildings.

Friday, 29 January 2010


Tomorrow I shall be at my local model railway group's annual exhibition. I hope some of the layouts are better than many I have seen lately!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Drivers in the snow

Why is it that so many drivers moan about the roads and lack of gritting when they have nothing in their car to aid their journey - carry a spade!!!