What a week this has been. Yet nothing seems much different apart from Tuesday morning.
For on Tuesday morning Dr. Borham of Frenchay Hospital signed me off!. he'd seen me last August and discovered I needed heart bypass surgery. In fact I needed four arteries replaced otherwise I would have gone the same way of my late father and brother, plus two uncles. Last September I joined the family club of having heart surgery. Without doubt the surgery carried out by the Irish - Greek duo at the BHI not only saved my life but meant I could look forward to a completely new life. Luckily for me my condition was caught soon enough before my failing arteries could cause damage to my heart. Seems as if my body cannot produce good tubes, but thats another story. I am advised by a pathologist friend that of the many bodies she has cut open, its not the artery grafts that have finally killed patients like me but someup else!!
Thanks for the research founded by the British Heart Foundation and others. I have had a good return for all of the clothes and other stuff I have given to Heart Foundation shops over the years.
Well aren't you lucky!