About Me

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South-West of England, United Kingdom
I am a retired cartographer and have recently completed a degree course as a mature student reading History. My main hobby is narrow gauge railway modelling.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Further thoughts on religion

Latest astronomy research has concluded that there are at least some 17 billion earth size planets up there in space. Furthermore millions of these have probably already gone and  I assume millions having been formed but from which light  has not yet arrived.  It makes you realise how large the whole cosmos is and how small we are, that the Earth is but the size of a grain of sand  compared with all possible planets which together are the size of Earth.


A win at last !!!!!!!!

Well done Argyle, a win at last.  So much about winning or losing is often just about whats in the a persons head, such is life.  Managed a walk/push yesterday (Sunday), it was really sunny but cold here in South Glos.  Trouble with this time of the year are the short days and when it's warm it's wet and when  it's sunny it's cold.

New mini-layout is nearly ready for the SodburyVale MRC Exhibition.  The new layout is based on an actual setting in Staffordshire.  It will be interesting to see how it is received.

Watched an interesting programme last night (Sunday) on BBC about the the 5th Royal Tank Regiment.  I was particularly interested in the part about the Sherman Firefly, because it was in one of those that my father fought with the 86th Anti-tank regiment (5th Devons) RA through Normandy and onto Hamburg in 1944-45.

Photo sourced from http://www.strijdbewijs.nl/tanks/sherman/m4eng2.htm

Thursday, 10 January 2013

More Woody objects

Seaton Beach Pebbles
Some photos of some of the objects I have recently turned

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Year

The calender new year has arrived and yet more money went up in bangs, flames and smoke.  Wonder if any of the people who went into debt to buy the fireworks gave any thought to the sweat shops in China where poor people are exploited just to make a few rich?  Doubt it.  Daft thing is the new year started on the 22 Dec .......

Escaped to my home county for the Christmas break where Mrs M and I had a really good non-Christmas and listened to our collection of 'Harry's Game' audio cd's.  Twas a bit wet and we did need to divert around  floods but the sea was fantastically wild on the 25th.  Gave Mrs M a pebble sculpture that I had turned out of three different woods.  (See photo)

So Argyle are in trouble again and now need a new manager.  Feel sorry for Fletcher but his way of playing was not getting the results the Club needs to get it's rebuilding going.  Who'd be a football manager!!!!!!!!!!