Today its the 4 December, only 17 days to the true new year and only 22 days and the biggest con since the South Sea Bubble will be over. Millions of children across the non-Christian world would have worked under near slave conditions to produce cheap rubbish for 'not-well-off' Europeans and North Americans to spend money they have probably borrowed from loan sharks or at best near legal loan sharks like Wonga and which they will spend months paying off, so keeping them in the poverty trap.
Right, I feel much better now having got that out of my system.
Watched a fascinating programme the other day on the way JC has been portrayed in painting and sculpture over the last two centuries. He has been through more transformations than Dr Who, from a typical Greek fair haired boy, (short hair cut) to a European Jew with long dark hair and a beard. Pity the fakers who produced the so-called Turin Shroud didn't do their research beforehand. Can someone explain what God was up to for the 6billion plus years that our world had been spinning around Sol, and the first MEN who could read and write came along, some half a million years plus that homo-sapian had first stood up and not straight away fallen over.
On religion, I did feel sad for those men and women who seem to think its alright to be led by men in frocks rather than women in frocks. If I was a women, and an Anglican Christian, I'd tell the 'men-in-frocks-lovers' where to go ......... but then the actual 'boss' of the Church of England is a women !!!!!!!!!!!
Good job November is over, it was a lousy time for Argyle. At least December started with both the English men and women duffing up the All-Blacks. Sorry any colonial readers but when it comes to rugby, like you , I'm biased.
Well that's all for now folks .....................