About Me

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South-West of England, United Kingdom
I am a retired cartographer and have recently completed a degree course as a mature student reading History. My main hobby is narrow gauge railway modelling.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Exeter Show

We went to Exter today (Sunday) to visit Exe Model Railway Exhibition. Some really good layouts and a huge one of Bath Greenpark. Best though was a O16.5 layout based on Bridport.

Traffic quite heavy coming back - have to question how some people drive and as a caravanner the spped some tow at.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Me Again and its already June

It's a month since I last blogged. So why the gap and what have I been up to.

Since I last wrote we have been busy sorting the car and caravan out. Both were a write off. As far as the caravan was concerned that was always going to be the case but we were a bit surprised with the damage to the car. At quick glance it looked okay but not only was the body and frame twisted but the engine was cracked ........

Still we are okay even if Mrs M is still having bad dreams. We have to wait to see what is going to replace big girl with. The replacement caravan is being worked on as I type.

VERY BIG CONCERN though is the way Mrs M's wheelchair was treated. Whilst I know the water fairies had to get Mrs M out with difficulty, but they just treated her £2500 + chair as a piece of rubbish. In doing so it may have been them that damaged the wheels, so having to claim on household insurance. Then to cap it all the ambulance girls didn 't see the need to take the chair with us in the ambulance. They didn't seem to understand that someone like t'other half doesn't go anywhere without their chair. Afterall they wouldn't expect me to leave my legs behind.

End of moan